***since here last***
since I was here last I have been getting creative finishing making my puppet and a paper doll....
watching the lime trees coming into blossom and smelling the divine perfume drifting on an evening breeze....
since I was here last I have had me time reading and thinking and taking photos....working and shopping and cooking
since I was here last the apricot tree has produced it's first abundant crop after being planted for 16 years.....needless to say I have been indulging
since I was here last I have enjoyed family times with daughter one....eating and chatting and sharing thoughts and plans

since I was here last I have been re evaluating my life plans my goals and my dreams....what is important and what is not
and since I was here last I have been packing up boxes with books and bedding and my favourite textiles....why? you may wonder....well I will tell you soon.....but not just yet.....not just yet....