Monday, 24 November 2008

***Every one is a moon,
and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.***

Mark Twain

4 of your thoughts.....:

Unknown said...

Now that's one grumpy puss...........certainly doesn't want a photographer in it's face. Great shot.

Jeanette Nord said...

Oh man, thats is one great photo! You are the best!

Hugs from Jeanette
The cat lover

Unknown said...

Incredible photo Mandi! Probably a good thing that we don't know everyone's darkside....or is it? Not sure. I guess it depends on the degree of darkness. I think dear puss's darkside may be his inclination towards cute little birds?!? Maybe not.
Smiles, Angela.

C.J. said...

You're a great photographer, and that's my favorite quote. :) Keep up the good work!