***secrets 'n' treasures***
it's amazing what one can do with just a few scraps of fabric and a little imagination....

gather a few of your favourite designs cut different sized oblongs and sew onto pre made pillow thereby creating little pockets and hideaway places for little people to stash their little treasures...
great fun to make and to play with...I made this for a very special little persons birthday and hope she will have years of fun squirreling away her little secrets....

4 of your thoughts.....:
I love it. Your little friend will love it too.
Beautiful! I love the colors and the little heart! Bright colors make me happy so now I am happy! Thanks for charing!
Wonderful cushion Mandi!!! It's not only pretty but would be fun to "explore". I think any girl would be lucky to receive one of these. Happiness to you, smiles *Angela*
Hey there Mandi! I have a surprice for you over at my place.
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