Monday, 16 March 2009

***another movie***

that may or may not interest you....and I was surprised at how informative this movie was and not quite what I gave a clear message into this phenomenal appetite for fast food...I could clearly see and understand why obesity, ill health etc could be linked to our nations' desire for such appetite indulgences.....if there is so much work and campaigns directed on anti-smoking, alcohol and drug issues then why can't the governments address this kind of mass food production.....and consumption .......Oh, yea I forgot...coppers in the coffers might have something to do with I'm not really one for saying what others should do....but there is a clear message here that involves an industry that does us humans and livestock no favours what so ever ....I was surprised also to see such famous actors taking part...i.e Bruce Willis...Ethan Hawk...Chris Kristofferson...Patricia Arquette and Greg Kinnear.....some played small parts and I am still not sure what their stance is on the issue...did they do the film because they don't agree with ethics of the industry? or was it simply another film to be seen in .....whatever their reasons it gave me 'food for thought' pun intended of course....
I must
warn you is pretty graphic towards the end but I think however, if some of us have pets and eat fast foods then burying one's head in the sand and being unaware of our actions will not alleviate the issues involved with such mass production....
if you do get to watch it or have seen it.......please let me know what your thoughts about the movie and the issues ........

2 of your thoughts.....:

Gemel said...

Hello stranger, not sure if I have already seen this one, but will have a look again in any case, and let you know what I think xx ...

Tinsie said...

I've not seen it, but you've reminded me that I want to see it! Off to add it to my DVD rental list now :-)