Friday, 6 March 2009

***I am a part of all that I have met...***

Alfred, lord Tennyson

another art-ography photo....this is of a beech before it stars to bud...the shot was taken during the day and I messed about with in Paint Shop Pro using layers and effects....quite like it really....

4 of your thoughts.....:

Gina said...

Love the softness of this..really beautiful! Gx

Unknown said...

Wow Mandi, what a brilliant effect!
I have never seen a beech tree in real life but would love to. I think the European trees are much prettier than the ol'gum trees, don't you?
Thankyou for wishing me a happy birthday.....and it was a happy one. We've had three birthdays this past week and a family reunion so it has been a little crazy here lately.
Still haven't really been on face book of late or should I say since I started. I find that if I'm on the computer, I tend to gravitate to blogging so you will have to forgive me!?!
Hope life is going well for you, smiles, Angela.

Jeanette Nord said...

Mmmmm I like it Mandi! Beautiful. The light that breaks through the clouds has a sort of translucent effect on the tree! Watching your pictures is when I feel most crippled by the fact that english is my second language... I am at loss for the right words.... So I just say B E A U T I F U L !

You rock Mandi!


I have a little give away over at my place btw, would love you to join in.

Deirdra Doan said...

wow I love that I would like to try the effect...any idea how I might try it? I have photo shop but a general idea might help me try it.