***good health***
now I not generally into making concoctions of gobbledy gook in order to improve my health, not that those who know me would agree however.....
still, I heard of this recipe that is supposed to improve all manner of things and I thought of giving it a go, and I have to say I quite enjoy the flavour....and before you think or say yuk, try it.....
Barley Water is supposed to be beneficial in these respects....
cleansing the kidneys and blood
urine infections
lowering cholesterol etc
smoothing wrinkles
and some other stuff too
just check out the ingredients first just in case you are a sensitive little soul...cos I wouldn't want you to keel over or something worse....
still, I heard of this recipe that is supposed to improve all manner of things and I thought of giving it a go, and I have to say I quite enjoy the flavour....and before you think or say yuk, try it.....
Barley Water is supposed to be beneficial in these respects....
cleansing the kidneys and blood
urine infections
lowering cholesterol etc
smoothing wrinkles
and some other stuff too
just check out the ingredients first just in case you are a sensitive little soul...cos I wouldn't want you to keel over or something worse....

there are several ways to make it and some are very long winded which in my opinion is a waste of time....so all I do is as follows.....
rinse a cup of pearl barley
simmer in 3 pints of water till plump and soft...(30/40 mins)
pare skins of two oranges and add to liquid
leave to cool
when cold scoop out orange skins
cut the two pared oranges into large chucks (minus pips) add to barley liquid
liquidise into thick 'good for you' gooy barley water
add honey if not sweet enough for you little tast buds
store in fridge for up to 3 days
drink up to three small glasses per day
biggest issue is what to do with all this cooked barley.......
add to soups...(spicy lentil and barley is yum)
barley custard dessert...(will try to think of how to make that)
barley pudding (instead of rice)
sprinkle on morning cereals
stick it into next years Christmas Crackers...(do that and you are crackers!)
feed it to the birds
feed it to the chooks
feed it to the dog.....(well I'm assuming a little in his meat can't harm)
put it on a 747 and send it to Overseas Aid
other than that I will leave it to your imagination, and please let me know your ideas of disposing of the excess....WITHOUT putting it in the bin...tut tut....
add to soups...(spicy lentil and barley is yum)
barley custard dessert...(will try to think of how to make that)
barley pudding (instead of rice)
sprinkle on morning cereals
stick it into next years Christmas Crackers...(do that and you are crackers!)
feed it to the birds
feed it to the chooks
feed it to the dog.....(well I'm assuming a little in his meat can't harm)
put it on a 747 and send it to Overseas Aid
other than that I will leave it to your imagination, and please let me know your ideas of disposing of the excess....WITHOUT putting it in the bin...tut tut....
3 of your thoughts.....:
Will give it a try, sound yummy enough :-) x x
Sounds like good stuff..reckon my dog would turn his nose up at the barley..but the chooks would love it!
Hope your Easter was very happy Gx
Barley Risotto is very very good just replace the rice takes a little longer to cook but worth the effort, I've made it a few times and success every time.
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