***something I created earlier***
and here she is.....this is Swirl ...don't ask why I named the picture that cos I don't have the answer.....anyway she is sketched and pencil coloured on gesso covered canvas...to be honest I had done another sketch underneath but didn't like it so being the obsessive re-cycler that I am I gessod over the top and started again and have to say I am pleased with this result....
I think I am going to do a few more paintings/sketches as it is quite nice to have a break from sewing...soooo watch this space....maybe I should put this one on Etsy....what do you think??
I think I am going to do a few more paintings/sketches as it is quite nice to have a break from sewing...soooo watch this space....maybe I should put this one on Etsy....what do you think??

4 of your thoughts.....:
Beautiful, just like you....
Was great chatting to you earlier, missed it so much xx
I think she's lovely and should sell in no time if you put her on Etsy.
I love it Mandi!! You should do more. I have never tried using pencil over gesso.....something new to try. Lovely effect.
I trust you are enjoying good health after your barley water!!
**Smiles** Angela.
PS You certainly do have a sweet god-daughter....so special.
Hi Mandi, I was happy to recieve your message on my blog. Yes, the horses we own are all quarter horses. The breed is very big in Idaho,USA because they make very good ranch horses. And they smell sooo good. I love 'Swirl' and I am so enjoying your blog.
Nice to meet you, June
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