***the trusting eye***
and what they see....horses are really amazing..... so smart yet so humble.....so large yet gentle....free spirits yet trusting.....
I saw this beautiful bay horse grazing happily and called him over to me, a stranger, and he come across...calm and inquisitive..... 'just want to take your picture fella' I said.....we blew softly into each other nostrils...you know... as you do....and once we became acquainted I took a quick snapshot of the moment......look closely and you can see me reflected in his calm soft eye.....

2 of your thoughts.....:
Incredible photo Mandi! They are amazing animals. Our little shetland is quite trusting of people except if it's a vet on a return visit....they have the memory of an elephant and seem to remember things like who will jab them with a sharp needle....even if it is years between visits!!!
Lovely crinoline lady on your last post.....I have been very busy making charms.....as you can imagine....with the opening of the shop just around the corner. Problem is (or is it?) they keep getting sold and so Cathy's and my so called stock pile of charms is not really getting any bigger!! I'll have to work faster!!!
Have a lovely week Mandi. Hope you're having some happy, sunny days...smiles, Angela.
I miss our horsey friends SOOOOOOOOOOO much xoxox
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