***going with the flo***
It has been a long time since being here and I really have no excuses other than felt like taking time out....many things have been going on since Christmas and it has taken awhile to adjust to the changes....my youngest has decided to return to Australia which has brought both sadness and happiness...happy for her but not for myself...am missing her desperately but am glad she is doing what she has worked so hard to do......other changes as well...especially with myself....getting older for one and getting used to myself all over again...I never realised that I actually had adjust to being a teenager, then a wife and mother and am now learning to adjust to being middle aged and all that goes with it.....will it be fun...enlightening...annoying.....I know it is emotional but hey we do it at some time or another.....
anyway I have been sewing and have been playing at Art-Ography (terminology) by Chrysti so hopefully I will be a good little Vegemite and keep posting my creations.....
this is a digitally altered photo of one of our Mortello Towers that we have around the coastline of Jersey ...enjoy......
5 of your thoughts.....:
Welcome back! Missed you. Glad to hear all is well and you are just like the rest of us, growing older and getting used to the changes it brings. Great 'artography' too.
Glad you are back, we will catch on on skype one of these days....
Bless you, know she is always in your heart, is she here in Perth????
Love to all xoxox
Welcome, welcome back! I have missed you terribly! Amazing picture. 'Artography' did you say? How exactly do you do it? Need alot of computer programs or such I suspect. Photoshop is about as far as I will go it seems. The rest is gibberish to me.... You are very talented! And I love to watch your work!
Take care
Love this one..your 'artography' is amazing and very striking! Take care,Gx
hi mandy ,this must be the way to chat to you! not sure how often you check your messages though.fasinated by your blog! you seem to fit so much in.! i love the flags..... on your section"about me" you forgot about flo as you are also a god mother! speaking of which could you come to flo"s birthday party next sat at 12? we would love you to come and havnt seen you for such a long time. hope all is well with you. lots of love always kristin louise xxx
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