***goodbye old boy***
'Daniel left us last night on a plane...see his red-tail light heading for Spaaaaain....I can see Daniel waving goodbye.....Oh, we will miss Daniel......'.......
our dear friend for over 16 years passed away last night....we shall miss his huge kneading paws that always accompanied his tractor rumbling purrrrrr....his fetish for headbutting our feet whenever he wanted a rub and his mighty vocals when announcing his arrival ......his acute hearing......his ability to tackle even the largest rodent when ill......his desire to return to his old home after a 3 month trek across the island but most of all we shall miss his loyal and constant companionship....
we nursed him through three illness and a three month confinement after breaking his leg 8 years ago.....but now he is at rest alongside his half brother Aussie and their companions Tazzie the rabbit and numerous chooks........we will miss him dearly as we dearly miss them all .....
xxxx R.I.P old boy xxxxx

6 of your thoughts.....:
Oh Mandi I cried buckets. So, so sad! And he looks just like my cat who I am currently nursing for a chronical bowel disease....I know how it feels dear Mandi and those people who says it`s only an animal....well they just simply don`t understand. And they have missed out on something wonderful - the love, companionship, joy and warmth you share and recieve from a darling pet.
So sad for your loss!
May he rest in peace in cats heaven where the mouse are ever so fat and slow and the cream yummy!
Bless your hearts.
Goodness it seem like yesterday that we were there in your front room taking photos with him. And was it really eight years ago since the broken leg??? Good gracious I remember that so vividly too.
Wish I was there to give you both a hug, this will have to do instead, a hug through the airways....
Much love to you all Gem xxxxxxxxx
RIP old boy. Bless you all xxx
HI There,
This is Tammy from CCD..
So sorry you lost your friend..
I had my MaCaw put down a few months back, and it is still hard to look at his cage...
Best Wishes..
Hello Mandi....just catching up...
What sad news. It is always hard to let our dear pets go especially when they have been by our side for so long.So nice though that he had such a loving family and that he loved you back.
What very beautiful blossoms on your last post. You have captured them so well in all their delicate glory.
Hope you aren't too sad and that you have had a lovely mother's day...I have!!!
Smiles, Angela.
Hi Mandi,
I'm late getting around to everyone's lovely blogs. You really have a beautiful kitty here. I know you will miss him so much. It sound like he was a delight in his 16 years with you.
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